Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday Update

R (9) will be going in for surgery sometime this afternoon around 3 pm. They hope to drain as much as they can from the abscess and will take part of the infected bone.

He is feeling much better with the pain today (thanks to drugs!), but is understandably nervous about the surgery. The sweet thing is that he is still cracking jokes with his R humor and he's enjoying watching tv nonstop.

Some of the other children are fighting colds/coughs. They will spend much of the afternoon with a sweet older couple from our church. It will be long for G (11 months) to be away from me, but I really want to be with R before, and after his surgery. The Lawyer has been with him continuously since yesterday.

If things look better tomorrow, we will hope for a discharge by noon and will continue healing at home. Thank you for your concern and continued prayers. I'm so grateful that the Spirit intercedes for us; I don't have words right now as I'm just concerned for our son and trying to manage all of the other details and children, too.

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