Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happiness Is. . .

Our Family- March 2013

L (7) and G (4 mo)

5 On the Slide

Drooling Happiness

Happiness in a box! These Tower Garden seedlings came today- and are absolutely beautiful!

Happiness in a pot! The Lawyer surprised me with 3 pots of hydrangea. I love hydrangeas!

Happiness in a bowl! Salmon Caesar Salad- be still my beating heart!

Happiness in my arms. A walk at 7 pm is JUST the thing for a fussy baby.

Happiness in the moment. With G and T, my hydrangeas, our little rental house, M driving something on the floor, R on the couch and the green things outside.

1 comment:

Sara Coplin said...


Your family is so beautiful and you all seems to very happy. May the Lord continue to bless your family! Looking forward to maybe seeing you the next time you are in town.