Monday, January 24, 2011

Small Miracles

 "One never knows the form in which a miracle will appear;  therefore, we would do well to regard all that is around us with a degree of awe and wonder." (Small Miracles II)

#402 Chill air seeping in cracks
#403 Baby teeth
#404 Smiles on faces of men and boys playing
#405 Tears brimming but not spilling
#406 Sap running
#407 Book in the mailbox
#407 Confidence of leaving M with a baby loving friend
#408 Gift of soup and bread at my door
#409 How very good carrots taste when you are thinking about the power of produce
#410 "Stove" oatmeal, made and served by the 9 (O) and 5 (L) year olds

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