Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Little Puddle

These words keep rising to the surface of my murky brain. People keep asking me how I'm doing. "Great!" is my response. (Because, you know, you are what you think you are. And I want to be extraordinarily great-feeling.) And I am doing great. I'm blessed beyond belief!

Yet, I'm also feeling like a little puddle.
A little, wet, flat, pool.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm still blogging. I can't keep my thoughts together to express what is on my heart. I'm not articulate. I'm not wise. Even my best thoughts seem murky now.  I'm embarrassed to be known as I am. And yet. There is always that yet.

231) Prayers from friends.
232) Prayers from acquaintences.
233) Dinner at a friend's.
234) Friends' offering childcare.
235) Surprise package from far away friends.
236) Children combing my hair while I read books.
237) "Be Thou My Vision"
238) Homemade bread that turned out!
239) Zinnias
240) Long-distance phone calls with long-distance friends

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would like to be believe that what God lays on your heart is not only meant for you to express your honest feelings but also for those of us who read to gain insight into a mother of 5 and a wife (of a few more years that I). You have more wisdom that you know and I gain so much from those words. Your friendship has always meant the world to me and whether it's through this avenue or face to face I always have something to learn from you.