Sunday, April 22, 2012

On Bearing Children

I just read a wonderful (older) post on Generation Cedar. Kelly has deep convictions about fertility and viewing children as a blessing. This was such a great reminder and encouragement for me today. Here is what she writes:

"Children are given to us as gifts, as tools, as a heritage, as added numbers to His church, and as a means by which we are changed, challenged and formed more into the Lord’s image. Children are His people, showing us the keys to Heaven (“unless you become like a little child…”He knows. Christians cannot make light of turning fertility on and off like a faucet. Children are not for us. They are not for displaying and showcasing. They are His “to do and to will of His good pleasure”. May we be honored to serve as vessels, ushering them into the world and then immersing them in His love."

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