Thursday, July 8, 2010

Not Murmuring

"Help us not only to receive Him but
   to walk in Him,
   depend upon Him,
   commune with Him,
   follow him as dear children,
imperfect, but still pressing forward,
not complaining of labour, but valuing rest,
not murmuring under trials, but thankful for our state.
And by so doing let us silence the ignorance of foolish men."
(The Valley of Vision pg. 217)

Imperfect. . . with the same towels on the line that I put out three days ago. Clothes in the dryer from yesterday, too. Meals to be made but for one ingredient missing, waiting for another trip to another store. Father's Day card still clipped in my day planner. Clothes forgotten at a friend's home (my undergarments! gasp!). Slip ups and spills and glaring errors on my part.

Laboring on. Helping the children master their chores, overcoming their own desires for self-preservation and self-care. Making meals. Doing laundry as I can. Planning another year of homeschooling. Meeting with friends, establishing relationships. Sharing health education consistently and intentionally. Praying for my family and friends. Nursing through the night.

Let me not murmur, though I am tired, though things are not all tidy as I would like them. May I be thankful and choose to give thanks all day today, through it all. When I look around at the chipped paint of our house and the laundry on the line and the "mud bombs" on the picnic table . . . may Jesus draw me to give praise. I'm looking for JOY. As I think about our possible, impending move, may I be filled with praise and not fear nor murmuring. Let me be thankful for this state I am in, that it may cause me to walk in Him, depend on Him, commune with Him, and follow Him as the little child that I am.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Calli, I love this. Where might you be moving?