Monday, June 21, 2010

There and Back (Again)

So. . . we made it back to VA (last night after 9 p.m.).
And, it's Monday. . . I'm purposing to think on what I'm grateful for.

I am thankful:
127) Our van didn't break down or need repairs on our trip
128) No one was sick
129) B's motorcycle "incident" wasn't worse. His "ruined" (R) face almost looks normal today.
130) For contacts, when glasses are ruined (really!)
131) For picnic lunches
132) For shade under trees
133) For rest areas and clean restrooms
134) That my husband can drive nearly forever
135) To have found my Bible again
136) For boys who say, "Can you read more of Joshua now?!"
137) L is writing her alphabet, and notes to people
138) Melons are in season! And peaches- yum!
139) My brother and his wife are starting their life together
140) For friends who insist that I take a rest and ask for help
141) Tomatoes and cucumbers are growing like crazy out of the garden
142) Honesty of friends (declining invitation)
143) For a really nice borrowed camera
144) For meals with extended family
145) That my kids have cousins
146) For air conditioning
147) Clothes fresh off of the line
148) For returned phone calls
149) For the "least bad" pair of sandals for L
150) For an enforced splurge on a nice dress
151) To see my sister, pregnant and beautiful
152) That one child is big enough to sit in the front seat (gasp!)
153) For the quiet moments in the van (few and far between)
154) For the bounty of wheat and meat we returned with
155) B took such great photos of our trip and celebrations
156) Our home was undamaged while we were gone
157)  For my phone, my computer, my water
158) To be home

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