Thursday, February 12, 2009

Reality Check

What I put on my list for today:
(this assumes the normal chores and activities)
-take a walk
-post office
-school with kids
-return item to friend
-pick up book I left at CC
-purchase school items at store
-make Valentine's cookies
-send emails/make phone calls
-visit friend
-make grocery list

What I actually did:
-talk a walk (with Owen and Tate)
-take B to school
-pick up B from school
-post office
-return item to friend
-think about groceries
-let kids get out ALL the cookie cutters so I could finish the dishes
-the basics of school

wow. This was a good exercise for me. There isn't such a huge difference in the lists as I felt there were! It was one of those days when I seemed to accomplish very little that I could point to. And for the few things that did get "done", my house is messier, the laundry has grown, there are new errands to run, there is a broken plate in the garbage, and mucus dried on the front window. It's B's long day at school and at the end of these days I just thank the Lord that we are all still here! It's cathartic for me to acknowledge that what I am "accomplishing" isn't visible. And I didn't do so hot today. I lost my patience with the kids, ordered them around ruthlessly, and fell asleep reading books to them on the couch. Mercy!


Cara said...

Yeah, I'm sure you were
"ruthless"... ;)

Kristi said...

I'm glad that reflecting on your day was a good exercise. It sure looks to me that you accomplished a lot, given that you were also teaching and taking care of 4 active kids!