Thursday, May 24, 2012

See Kai Run Review

I don't normally do product reviews (no one is sending me free products, or I might!), but this company impressed me enough that I wanted to share my good experience. If you are in the market for kid shoes, these are shoes you should consider. First, the price is fair (and very good if you find shoes on sale). Secondly, they wear well (except the fluke I seemed to have had with the first pair). Third, they are really, really cute. And fourth, the company is great to do business with.

Back when M was one and just tottering around I purchased a pair of See Kai Run shoes. Loved that they were soft leather and yet had a nice reinforced bottom. They were easy to put on and off (no laces!) and they were super cute red shoes.

BUT... M really started walking and somehow wore this hole right through the toe of the left shoe. (It's not too hard to imagine if you've been around little boys chasing after big boys outside.) I was really sad, however, and had hoped these shoes would last much longer.
I contacted See Kai Run and their customer service was wonderful. They had me send a photo of the damaged shoe. Then, they let me choose a new pair of shoes and they sent them to me- totally free, including the shipping! I was a very happy mama.

So, M got new (blue) shoes. This time I chose the super-cute Park shoes.  M has worn them for months and months and has just recently outgrown them. They were his favorite shoes and he was quite upset when I put them on and he stood up, declaring, "Ouch! Hurts me!"

After such a good experience with this company and their shoes, I'll be looking for another pair.

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