Thursday, July 22, 2010

Establish the Work of Our Hands

Psalm 90:16-17
Let your work be shown to your servants,
And your glorious power to their children.

Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us,
And establish the work of our hands upon us,
Yes, establish the work of our hands!

This was my Psalm today, the one my heart and mind revisited throughout the day. I'm looking to see the Lord's work. I know He is working, know He is already on top of the details of our move to Richmond. I know He has our good worked out and I know the end of the story. Yet, I'd like to see a bit of that work. I'd like to see a few of the ways He has gone before us and I'd like to talk about them around our dinner table, talking about His glorious power with our children.

That's what happened when we moved here. It was a God-story of selling our home quickly (for our asking price) in an unfavorable market and finding a new home in a few days and watching the details work out just so. We talked about it a lot as a family and it gave us courage in this new place on the new law school adventure to know that God was for us and was working everything out better than we could have dreamed.

We think that now, too. We marvel at this particular street we live on, with these particular neighbors (one of whom is B's boss!). Clearly, this was the Lord's doing.
And I want to see that again, want my confidence to be bolstered, want the assurance that we aren't going to mess everything up and that we won't be out there on our own.

B is very excited about his new job (when he can see past the work of moving). Oh, I have a sense about it. May the Lord establish his work! May it be prepared for him and may it be a good work, enduring, significant.
My work seems ambiguous to me right now in a way it hasn't before. What is the work that God has established for me? Clearly, it is to raise children in this season. But what else does He deem worthy of my time and effort? He hasn't apportioned too much; there is no such thing. Would that I could see with a broad perspective what work He would establish for me.

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