Monday, July 19, 2010

Applied Thinking II

As I'm working my way through The 4:8 Principle (Tommy Newberry), I'm thinking and trying to change my thinking, seeking to apply the principles I'm learning. I'm making an effort to put things down on paper, seeking to have the joy-filled life.  This week is chapter 3 and the summary is that JOY doesn't come from our circumstances, but comes from the inside out. Therefore, if I am thinking gratitude thoughts, if I am thinking on things that are lovely and pure and excellent, I will change my reality because I will be looking for the good things around me and in so doing, I will be changed. This is the same principle Ann Voskamp has on her blog, and I'm still slowly working my way up to 1000 things I'm grateful for. BUT, I'm so glad to say that I'm pretty consistently adding to my list, nearly every Monday (which isn't all that often) . . . and that's something to be happy about.

181) Growing and stretching my mind
182) A box of boy clothes from a friend
183) Bleached blond locks bouncing on the trampoline
184) New friends
185) Phone messages of grace
186) Trim paint touched up and looking clean again
187) Sweet, clean baby smell
188) Finding another character trait to be thankful for- consistency!
189) Swimming parties
190) Baby breath (my most favorite smell)
191) Our van, having very few repairs needed
192) Old friends, and knowing what to expect (anything Gayle does is done excellently)
193) Safe friends to be vulnerable with
194) Friends in a common season. Hearing, "it's just the age" did wonders for my outlook.
195) One skirt that fits and flatters (thanks, Mom!)
196) Really good chocolate (thanks, Alison!)
197) A respectable husband's good work
198) Neighbors encouraging our boys' desire to earn for missionaries
199) Newly caulked bath tub (so glad the mold is finally gone)
200) Orange watermelon

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