There is a lot that I would like to post. In my head are several posts that I've been mulling over for the past few weeks, things that I've been thinking on that would make more sense if I tried to explain them or write them out. There are things that are on my heart and mind that I want to share. . . sadness over things, frustration with other things, joy over some things, excitement over other things. There are debates and sticky issues that I'd like to address and hash out my opinion on. I would like to post even more of the things that have been transpiring within our own family. . .
But I have a (good) problem.
I have readers. And while I know some of them (thanks, Mom and Anne, Cara, Sara, Kristi, Josh!), I also have good reason to believe that there are other people looking at my blog that I don't know (and people I know but don't know that they are reading my blog!)- which is one of the neat things about blogs. At the same time, the realization that other people in my regular life have access to my personal thoughts and glimpses of my day-to-day life. . . well, it's disconcerting to me. How can I, in good conscience, post my opinions about things which will be read by people who in my "real" life I would NEVER tell them to? My opinions directly conflict with some of the views held by my friends and family. I wouldn't really want to confront them in real life, so is it uncouth for me to use this blog as my own forum to lay out where I stand on things? I will offend people.
I don't think that it is necessarily bad to offend people. Most of what I'm referring to are my views based on Scripture, not just opinions on trivial matters. Some of it I really DO want to be able to say and perhaps I should use the opportunity.
For instance, I believe God's Word when it says that children are a blessing. Because I really believe that, it affects how I view abortion and contraception and family size and working outside the home and homeschooling and the full measure of my responsibility and JOY as a mother. In blogging about this one thing I would, no doubt, be laying my heart out there to the world and offending people, too.
So I haven't been posting as much lately. I have to decide where I stand on blogging.
I always enjoy hearing your view on things. I'm sure you wouldn't say anything in a hurtful way and I think it's good to put your thoughts and feelings out there. I know for me, it makes me re-evaluate what I think about things. Thanks!
I'll bet you have some great SNOW pictures! Can we see some? :) Darcy
DITTO!!!! Which is one of the reasons that my blog seems to have died. :)
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