Sunday, February 22, 2009

Let's Just Say...

That SOMEone is very busy. Very busy and finding all kinds of things that have been carelessly left lying around. He is also good at finding things that haven't been left around, but have been conscientiously returned to drawers and bins and cupboards where they belong. He is not only busy and good at finding things, but he is FAST. One moment everyone is appropriately engaged, the next. . . I am hunting down the toddler and cleaning up after him.

This is a toddler. It is a great picture of my toddler because it sums up so many things that I fail to express eloquently. (I wouldn't trade these moments!)


Cara said...

Look at his cute little legs!

Lonna said...

He is so cute! I love that "You can't get mad at me, I'm too cute" look.