Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tate- 17 months

T is nearly 17 months old... and it is getting the better of me on many days.

Have you wondered why I haven't been posting much? (Probably not!)

It has something to do with my toddler. . . who is tall enough and smart enough to open the front door and "escape." I found him outside playing with pine cones one day last week. He is also VERY fast at climbing into chairs. . . and chairs lead to other things, like tables and counters, and other chairs- oh my! The office is his favorite place to sneak into and before I have even realized that he quietly closed the door behind himself, he is playing with scissors and glue and crayons. (Yes, I'm smart enough to move these things after a few incidents!) He is finally getting two more teeth (to add to the six he has had for months). And he is telling me (sometimes) when he needs to use the potty. His temper is showing up regularly as he is denied the privileges of the other children (coloring, playing outside in the cold, buckling his own car seat, etc.)

Whew, boy! I LOVE this age as he learns new words and responds to guidance and correction. I love his baby cheeks and snuggles. I love that he is still nursing and we share sweet quiet moments. I love that he ALWAYS wants me to read him a book (the same book!). My heart melts when he starts singing "May the Lord bless you and keep you" with me; it's the song I have sung to him every night at bedtime since he was born. His giggle is infectious and I can't help but smile at his antics. . .

But he does wear me out!

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