Years ago (when I only had three children) I had itemized cleaning lists in a binder in our kitchen. I thoroughly cleaned (and kept track of this) at least one room of our home each week and continued ad infinitum on a rotating schedule. Honestly, my house was pretty darn clean (down to clean lightbulbs!).
Now I have a new method of deep cleaning: I trust that God is going to help me get it accomplished at the proper time. (I do jest a bit, here, so it's okay to smile!).
For instance: This week I washed our bed sheets- twice- as well as the mattress cover (and we did flip the mattress, too). I knew it was time for this kind of attention to our bedding because one child (who shall remain nameless because he is too old not to be embarrassed by this) was in such a deep sleep that he came to our bed and finished his "job" beside me. (I did, indeed, wake up wet.) But now the linens are fresh.
I also scrubbed the bathroom floor, paying particular attention to the grout, as well as wiping down the toilet (at 12:36 a.m.) due to the aforementioned incident, which apparent began in the bathroom.
I cleaned behind the radiator (because my pajamas fell back there), and also cleaned behind the dryer (where a magazine fell).
Debris and dust were removed from behind the piano (we couldn't find the handle to the Swiffer and someone suspected the "sword" might be back there.
Bedding was changed in the boy's bedroom, prompted by broken lightbulb fragments littering both bunks and the rug.
I suppose that cleaning up lightbulb fragments is a long way from cleaning my lightbulbs. . . but that's where we are right now and I'm choosing to smile and trust that God will make sure I have plenty of other opportunities to thoroughly clean other areas of our home soon.
Hey, that's exactly what I've been thinking lately, too (and I STILL only have 3 kids)! You mean like when we have to bleach out the tub because our toddlers have left messes in the bath water, right?! (As in, this morning.) And it even sounds spiritual: "cleaning by faith"! Works for me!:)
P.S. I also have to add that I must have lived in KY too long (8+ years now), b/c when I first read "I do jest a bit here", I completely assumed you meant "JUST a bit", but with a creaky old hillbilly accent! (You know, "jeeest a bit...", and a smack of toothless gums.) It didn't make any sense until I realized you actually meant a more civilized term--yikes!
You are totally right on, Sara! I clean our bathtub every Monday by design... and then I can almost count on another emergency cleaning for some reason later that week! If not the tub, it'll be something/somewhere else.
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