Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I felt really good when I read recently that being organized means you can find something in five minutes or less. I like organization- but I don't think that I'm as ultra-organized as I would like to be. (Ha! It's a pipe dream. . . how my house will look one day when the kids are grown. I'll have things clean and tidy and always presentable for company. But I'll take it as it is today for the precious lives that take priority over cleaning and having everything just so.)

This isn't a post about priorities. CLEARLY, my family is my priority over organization or cleaning. I'm just saying that I like to have things orderly and often feel as if disarray is going to swallow me alive within my home. But IF the aforementioned definition of organization is even remotely on-target. . . actually, I don't even care if it's true- I feel better. I can generally find things in five minutes or less. Ta-Da!

Just knowing that I meet the standard (isn't this insane?) makes me happier and with a lightened spirit I rearranged a drawer and purged some unused clothing. It's a small feat in the avalanche of a family's LIFE and stuff. . . but it does feel good to be organized.

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