The children and I have embarked on an educational journey together. I am expecting to learn at least as much as they will learn- even this year when I have a 6 year old, a 4 year old, and a 3 year old (and a 1 year old!). We are studying using the classical method and I am realizing many gaps in my own learning.
I don't think I EVER had geography (wasn't that a huge oversight?!). My children will be able to label the states and capitols this year. I don't have a good grasp of how historical events fit together, or even of how the Biblical accounts fit with ancient history. After this year, our family will have rough timeline in our heads which puts these things in context. Phonics has never been something I enjoyed. I distinctly remember disliking it from about first grade on. Unfortunately, (not really) I will even be learning rules of grammar and phonics. (I like to write and I like language but I don't like to be all fussy about parts of speech and such!). We will be learning Latin, which I have never even considered studying (I don't think that was an option, to be honest). Thanks to Mona Brooks, we will be learning drawing technique and I may even outdo my own stick figures. The children and I have already begun a methodical memorization of Scripture and poetry. We are loving it!
What impresses me most at this very early embarking is that we are surrounded by information. There is more to learn than we ever possibly could. I'm not as excited about all the things we will be learning as I am that we have a purposeful plan to learn. Braden and I are directing our children (and ourselves) to the Source of all wisdom, so that we will all know how to apply discretion and understanding to the things we learn. Having a plan and goals that are measurable and attainable is empowering.
Abigail Adams said, "Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought with ardor and attended with diligence." Here's to ardor and diligence this new school year!
Wow! How inspiring and ambitious you are. Sometimes I wish that I could learn all those things over again too...maybe teaching kids is a great excuse. :) Having a concept of the world and a concept of history are so valuable, and will help your kids to be positive influences on their world!
Yes, well, you have always impressed me with your aptitude for languages! I see you as a life-long learner, which is so wonderful.
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