Monday, August 4, 2008

Income Reality

These are lean years. . . but in the eight years we have been married, Braden and I have never had much income. God has always provided for our needs, and so the only thing I desire others to hear is how very thankful we are for all we have. We have wonderful families, delightful and generous friends, food, clothing, a home. . . all of our needs have been supplied. God has also exceeded our needs time and again.

Still . . . sometimes we dream.

Just yesterday our family was in the van and the males were noticing other motorized vehicles around them, including a 4-wheeler for sale by the road. (To their chagrin, I care very little about what I drive or ride in or on!) I heard several sighs from my husband as he admired other automobiles.

"The problem is," he said, "that I have BMW taste. . . and SCHWincome."

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