Monday, May 19, 2008

"No Time For". . . a Shower?!

It was kind of a joke to me last year, and I didn't want to mention it on the blog for fear of portraying my husband in a less-than-glorious light. The truth is, however, that I found it inconceivable that his first year of law school was SO rigorous, SO demanding and time consuming. . . that he gave up taking showers. Not completely, of course, but a man who used to shower daily or every other day began to go many days without a shower. Frankly, I was a bit disgusted.

Here it is, a mere year later, and I find myself in the same situation- only the tables have turned. I have passed up a shower here and there (okay, maybe more than that!) and chosen to use that time for other things (like catching my breath, meeting deadlines, or sleeping). What once seemed preposterous (not enough time to bathe), now makes perfect sense in my world. I have a limited amount of time and when I prioritize, a shower sometimes gets knocked out of the picture. That's really simple; I'm not sure why I wasn't so gracious (or sympathetic and helpful?) to Braden before. So, if you live near me, I'm sorry. I probably don't smell as good as I used to. But there is hope! Just like his first crazy year of law school ended, I suspect this crazy season of life will pass for me, too. . . eventually.

It also reminds me of something great I heard last summer about prioritizing. You have probably heard it before. It goes something like this: we all have a glass jar of time (our life) and sand and rocks (our life events, tasks, etc.)to fill the jar. If we put the sand in first and it fills up the bottom of the jar, we won't be able to fit as many rocks. We ought to put the rocks in first, the biggest, most important things in our lives. We MAKE time for them because they HAVE to fit. Then we pour the sand in, and so much more fits because the sand is able to fill in the cracks and spaces between the rocks.

I'm sure I should be learning a lesson from myself. For now, though, showers are SAND.


Cara said...

I totally hear ya! Showers have always been my "sand." Though it's often more out of laziness than busy-ness...and I don't think Jake appreciates it very much. ;)

Jim B said...

You will see that with age... there is "no sweat"....

Kristi said...

Great perspective. I wonder if my life will ever get to that point... although showers for me are more of a way to wake up and feel ready to face the day than a way to get clean. They are a luxury, and I enjoy them...especially when I get to take a WARM shower! :)