Thursday, November 8, 2007

11 Weeks. . . Or is it 12?

Tonight's confession is that I honestly do not remember how old Tate is. He is looking really big to me and I am shocked that there are now babies around me who are younger than he is. (Wasn't he JUST born?!) Oh, but life is sweeter with him in it.

This week I think I have really seen an improvement- in our routine, in the way life feels. It has only been this week that I haven't felt so snowballed under, that I have felt that I am actually accomplishing a few of the things that I am setting out to. The contractor finally cleaned up (mostly) his things and left us (I hope!). We vacuumed every day, dusted the house, did school, unpacked some boxes, and managed most of the other household chores decently. Plus, the kids and I spent chilly afternoons outside playing and raking leaves, visiting neighbors and taking short walks. We had soup for dinner and fresh bread and lots of salads and even homemade cookies. Aaaaah. This feels like my life. A little bit more familiar to me, and comfortable, and oh, so nice.

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